Wednesday 18 May 2016

Gum Bichromate Printing

Gum Bichromate is a printing technique similar to Cyanotype printing but using a different solution. To create these prints I coated a sheet of water colour paper in a solution made up of Gum Arabic and Dichromate. When these two chemicals are mixed together they become light sensitive. I allowed the paper to dry in complete darkness.

Once the paper had dried I placed a photograph I had printed onto acetate earlier that morning over the top and place glass over the top of that. I position all of this in direct sunlight to expose for 15 minutes. After 15 minuets had passed I quickly returned to the dark room to wash my print. 

This is the final image. For a first attempt I'm very happy with the result however I do wish the print had more contrast. This is something I would like to try out again in the future, however I would like to experiment with more colours next time.


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