Tuesday 27 September 2016

Belbroughton Scarecrow Festival Final Images

So these are the final images from the Belbroughton Scarecrow festival and if I'm honest I am disappointed I only have 5 which I think are of a good enough standard to share.
I arrived just after the festival started and stayed until the end, running around trying to capture every element of it. If I had been a professional photographer hired specifically to photograph this event I think I would have gone on both days it was running as there was just so much going on.

If I were to photograph events again in the future there are several things I will do differently. I would definitely apply for a press pass or at least have some form of ID/ business cards on my to put the public at ease. There were several people who turned their backs on me or looked visibly uncomfortable as I was photographing around them. If I had a press pass or something similar to show them and explain why I was taking photographs they may have allowed me to take their picture or even pose for one. 

Along the same sort of lines I would approach people to take their photograph. It would have been nice if I had taken some photographs of people, families in particular enjoying the festival. I didn't really feel comfortable doing so and because of that I don't have many photographs with festival goers in.

I was pretty happy with the equipment I took with me, the only thing I wish I had was a superzoom lens to capture the air show in more detail. I didn't manage to get a decent photograph of the airplane and as that was a main event I probably wouldn't be hired again if I was a paid photographer. As these lenses are very expensive and I am not proffesional I don't own one but that if something to consider if I plan on shooting something similar again. 

I didn't really feel the need to edit these photographs too much. Apart from a bit of cropping and turning up the contrast slightly I havne't done anything else as I didn't feel that the client would want any 'unnatural' looking images.

I'd love to get some feedback on my finals!


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